hex 转 rgba
* @param {string} hex The value of hex.
* @param {number} transparency Transparency value.
* @return {string} The color value represented by rgba.
const hex2rgba = (hex, transparency = 0.8) => {
let red = 0;
let green = 0;
let blue = 0;
let h = hex.substring(1);
if (h.length === 3) h = [...h].map((x) => x + x).join("");
const hexValues = h.split("").map((item) => parseInt(item, 16));
red = hexValues[0] * 16 + hexValues[1];
green = hexValues[2] * 16 + hexValues[3];
blue = hexValues[4] * 16 + hexValues[5];
return `rgba(${red}, ${green}, ${blue}, ${transparency})`;